(1890- Toy Train. photo source)
We had so much fun compiling pictures for our blogpost “The Baby Stroller: A Visual History” that we decided to create another Visual History post. This time, we’re featuring children’s toys over the course of a century, from the 1890s to the 1990s. Scroll below and watch the way children play evolve from decade to decade:

1890- Ball and Hoop

1895- Toy Sheep and Hoop

1897- Toy Catalogue

1900- Toy Horse

1904- Tea Party

1905- Doll

1906- Doll and Toy Donkey

1908- Rocking Horse

1910- NYC Playground

1910- Carnegie Playground on 5th Ave, NYC

1914- Pedal Car

1917- Eaton's Catalogue

early 1920s- Toy Boat

1927- Toy "Spirit of St. Louis"

1928- Tricycle

1928- Toy Car

1929- Keystone Toys Advertisement

1930- Doll

1932- Stuffed Bunny

1936- Tea Party

1937- Toy Car

1937- Asleep with Dolls

1946- Homemade Pull-Along Duck

1948- Woolworth's Doll House Ad

1949- Jumping Over Wagon

1950- Lincoln Logs Advertisement

1952- Huffy Bike Advertisement

1954- America's Top Ten Hasbro Toys

1954- Train Set

1950s- View-Master

Slinky Ad- 1957

1958- Hula Hoop

1959- Barbie's First Commercial

1960- Toy Dog

1963- Ken Doll

1964- Hot Rod Jalopy

1965- Toy Wagons

1967- Matchbox Cars Advertisement

1968- Horse Marionette

1969- Rocket

1969- Girl Playing with Top

1970-Drums, Tinkertoys, Cars, Books, and More!

1971- Toy Big Bird and Oscar the Grouch

1973- Toy Lion and Phone

Mattel Ad- 1975

Mattel Ad- 1975

1977- Legos

1978-Fisher-Price Toys Advertisement

1979- Star Wars Toys

1980- Strawberry Shortcake Advertisement

1981- Ernie Doll and Music Toy

Early 1980s- Mattel Toys Advertisement

1984- G.I. Joe

Mid 1980s- Cabbage Patch Kids

1988- Barbie Brochure

1989- Playing Nintendo

1991- Sledding

1992- Breakfast with Kid Sister

1992- Playskool Tape Recorder Advertisement (source)

1992- Playskool Advertisement

1994- Toy Car

1994- Train Set

1997- Tickle Me Elmo

Ready to Swing at the Pinata! (1988)

Little Tikes Swing (1999)

Teddy Bear in Swing (1999)
Just discovered this website. Very interesting and nostalgic — takes us from our great grandparents day, to grandparents, parents, our own childhood and to our children’s day. I found it as I actually have one of those Woolworth’s Dollhouses — yes the real thing!!
Thanks Lynne! We’re so glad you like our site!