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These onesies make perfect baby shower gifts!  They’re cute, clever, and totally unique.  Keep reading to find out where to get them.

1. “I Just Did 9 Months on the Inside Onesie” by Sara Kety view on www.amazon.com

2.  “AB/CD” Onesie by Kiditude view on www.amazon.com

3. “Amuse Me Giants” Onesie by Oddi-Tees view on www.amazon.com

4.  Pearls & Purse Onesie by Sara Ketty view on www.amazon.com

5.  ”The Yo Yo Ma” Violin/Cello Bodysuit by TheWishingElephant  view on www.etsy.com

6. “Acute Baby” Onesie by LOL Fashion view on www.amazon.com

7. Tuxedo Onesie by Frenchie Mini Couture view on www.amazon.com

8. “The Über Geek” Onesie by TheWishingElephant view on www.etsy.com

9. “Doctor” Bodysuit by Sara Ketty  view on www.nordstrom.com

10. Crawl the Line (Johnny Cash) Onesie by BigBoyMusic view on www.amazon.com

11.  “BOOBIES” Onesie by Katy and Zucchini view on www.amazon.com

12. “Instagrama” Onesie by Sara Kety view on www.bloomingdales.com

13.  “Let’s eat Grandpa.  Let’s eat, Grandpa.” Onesie by VicariousClothing  view on www.pinterest.com

14. Guitar Onesie by EviesGift view on www.etsy.com

15.  “Miso Cute”  Onesie by FeistyBaby  view on www.etsy.com

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